Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Trash to Treasure Tuesday - Old Books

Here it is TtT-Tuesday again so why not talk about those trash books I was on the hunt for a few weeks ago.  I love the old books in my home just as they are and I have quite a few of them.  I buy them for their shape, color, illustrations, embossing titles and sometimes their titles themselves call me to them.  

I have been asked to do a home painting party this spring and I needed something to duplicate.  I'm not a very good duplicator I like the challenge of painting something different and nothing ever looking the same. 

As much as I'd like to duplicate I can't, there will never be two books that look alike.

 These little gems might just be a favorite so far.  

Hard to pass up a little detail on the front cover.

This binding almost being torn off was what attracted me to this book.  Love the worn look that means someone loved this book.

Do you want to remember what they started out as..... here they are.

And here they are - Painted Photographer Treasures


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