Saturday, December 5, 2015

Trash to Treasure Tuesday

I'm a bit behind but I'm coming up with lots of excuses, I'll spare you the details and just amaze you with a pretty fun trash to treasure Tuesday.  

The Saturday after Thanksgiving has been a family shopping day for many years.  The sisters and I make a trip to Eau Claire and many years ago we brought our girls.  They got sore feet, they wanted everything, they pouted, the laughed, we took them to movies, we had great family time.  Then...... they grew up and us sisters had to continue to shop that day by ourselves.  

Now we have my girls back again and their girls.  The little girls get sore feet, they pout, they want everything, they love to spend their money and we do lots of fun stuff with them.  

This year we went to Goodwill on a Ugly Sweater Hunt for Gayle.  She ended up with 3 of them.... all perfect so it was hard to decide.  Then I got sucked into the "junk" and my arms filled up.  I was on the hunt for churches..... ugly cheap churches.  And after filling everyone's arms with churches and reindeer.... a few hours later we exit the store.  

Pretty ugly church.... since Lynn was holding this one we called it the Baptist church.  I was pushing my churchs on everyone.

The Catholic church..... in our small towns we have lots of taverns and churches.

The trio tiny village with a church that isn't pictured.

Baptist church painted white - yep bet you guessed that already :)  I'm loving my white

A little distressing.....

A bit of glitter.....

And we have pretty churches.....

Lynn got her Baptist church today and I'm keeping the Catholic church.  They are beautiful.  Now why didn't I buy all those village houses I seen a few weeks ago for a song and have an entire white village?   DANG!!

I've heard many stories from my sisters about a white nylon net tree that my mom had.  It was something you had to assemble every Christmas and the older sisters got that task.  I was probably in their way and stealing pieces they needed.  After so many years of this tree being in the daylight and being assembled it rotted and became un-useable.  My sisters were sad, I didn't know any different.  They researched a few years ago and found a pattern to make them.  I'm still not interested.....  

This summer we had a reunion and my sister Sharon had nylon net trees to action off.  John has no idea that I know nothing about them, I'm not sitting next to him and he hears family memories of the tree and he bids until he buys me one.  So sweet

BUT I know nothing about this tree...... after 2 hours swearing like a sailor, reading directions (if you know me, you know I don't read directions) requesting a drink, calling my sister to vent, throw the whole thing across the living room..... it's up.

It's really wasn't that bad.  Now I have a tree that fits my white village and a memory of my mom.  I find myself staring at it and knowing why my mom loved hers, it's beautiful.

Surround yourself with family memories and if you don't have many, make some.  


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